Really Ray J?????????
So apparently Ray J has gotten one of the girls from his VH1 show pregnant! Danger, the one with the tattoo on her face, told The National Enquirer that she is more than three months pregnant with his child.
She is quoted as saying: “I was locked in a mansion with him and 13 girls from October until the end of December. Toward the end of the first week of filming, we made love for the first time - and we slept together every night after that. I didn’t want to fall for Ray J, but he was so charming it became impossible not to. I was in love with him, and as strange as it might sound, I think he loved me.” Why is she on the show if she wasn’t trying to fall for him? Of course VH1 is denying this entire story, but, there have been statements made alleging that the VH1 producers gave her the morning after pill but it didn’t work. No duh it didn’t work! She didn’t take it, what gold digging female would?
But believe it or not, it gets better! She is now supposedly engaged to Nick Canon’s little brother Gabriel. Ray really did a number with this one. If the allegations are true I feel bad for him having to be stuck with her for 18+ years.
If you ask me Danger is just looking to get paid because she also has nude pictures up online, and I’m talking FULL nudity you see it all. If she’s willing to do that then it’s not too far fetched to sleep with Ray J, RAW, when she barely knew him. I guess one of these reality show girls finally got it right. But, somebody should really tell her that her 15 minutes are up!