Miss Greek New York Pageant Preview:
Early, 2008, the biggest Greek Pageant of Gotham City will be in full throttle. The M iss’ Pageants are usually thrown by Alpha Phi Alpha in the New York area. The y usually have students from that particular school enter, compete and narrow it down to one winner. We all know how these things go.
This time around there’s a bit of a twist: CALLING ALL SORORITY MEMBERS!
Every intelligent, beautiful and kind-hearted Sorority member enter ing the pageant will bear the burden of carrying her whole organization on her back; well at least the chapter. No matter what year or semester yo u became a part of your sorority, if you think you have what it takes to com pete against the best of New York, and are between the ages of 18 and 25, ge t your thangs together!
The competition will be like none other. Although these are women of cla ss and grace, the rivalries still exist and the tension will be so thick, you may have to cut it with a chainsaw; to hell with a butter-knife!
The AKAs, The Deltas, the Zetas, The Rho’s, the Gammas, the Betas, the Mu’s and the SIA’s are just to name a few of the organizations represented at the Miss Gre ek New York Pageant.
This will be more competitive than Battle of Sparta and more controvers ial than Step Correct, back in January of ‘07.
Like all pageants there will be entry fees, cash prizes and definitions of what you will do with 100 Grand; but to be able to call yourself “Miss Greek New York” smashes every other competition like it.
This is the first annual Miss Greek New York Pageant so be there to witnes s the most beautiful madness ever! Emphasis on beautiful…
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Upside: It strengthens the relationships between Black, White and Latino orga nizations and will be healthy for Greek Life in New York; kind of like wha t Kanye West and 50Cent are doing for Hip-Hop by dropping their albums on the same day.
Downside: Championship spirits will most likely leak over onto individual campu ses causing mass ruckus, boosting ticket sales causing longer after-p arty lines.
Wildcard: The organizations involved in planning this event are budding and will likely end up taking over or starting a new, New York Greek Weekend leavi ng Long Island’s Greek Fest at a standstill. Maybe we can actually have Greeks at Jones Beach next year instead of Crips and Bloods.
UH Magazine
“The Best in College. Expect it and Respect it.”
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