What’s good everyone!
NY has been going crazy (more than usual) over the last few weeks… among our normal grab-bag of headlines this one reins supreme:
By day, he ran NY as the Governor…. By night he made it rain in YOUR favorite city... Elliott Spitzer is: CLIENT-9!!!
So our NY Gov has resigned amidst his getting bagged in a prostitution ring…. Here’s some of the crazy things about that…
1) $80,000+ in prostitution fees – I’m sorry, but that’s a
2) So now they refer to him as Client-9(tee shirts coming soon!!), I’m wondering if there are any more high profile dudes who were clients 1-8? Right now anyone who hired “escorts” from the Emperor Club must be SHOOK!!
3) So now Lt Gov Patterson (A Hofstra Law Grad) will be the new governor and will become NY’s first Black mayor and the first blind mayor in the history of the USA! It’s good to see amongst the scandal there is history of a different kind being made.
4) It’s crazy how the main crime that Spitzer has led an attack on his entire career, (Prostitution) led to his downfall. He got caught on Federal wire taps, and all that. You live by the sword….you Die by the Sword.
I think this is another example of how people in positions of power are just as human as you and I. They lie, cheat, and steal just like the rest of us common folk. Their true test of character is whether they could uphold the moral standards positions such as Governor, President, Judge, Cop, etc demand. A lot of them can, but there are good politicians, judges, etc out there... in my opinion they are just too few and far between… I’m just curious as to someone like Spitzer whose so smart… can be so STUPID!! Some theories include narcissism, thrill seeking, and a sense that he was above the law. When people attain positions of power, it can get to ones head. That’s why I’m not surprised, or really offended. I’ve stop expecting great moral character from elected officials. There’s only one person whose rekindled my faith, and Barack, I hope you don’t let us down.
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