Friday, February 27, 2009
This commercial is HILARIOUS! Kevin Garnett and the Jabbawockez are in this Gatorade commercial that airs in pieces, but, you can see it in it's entirety here. KG is such a goof! lol

This girl is really crazy! For the Love of Ray J contestant Danger has her own blogsite. This was one of her recent posts:
The Power of the Female Genitalia
One vagina on the net....and people go crazy talking negativly about me. Is this the same world that glorifys pimps with golden goblets, and loves to watch the Girl's Next Door?? I feel you Janet.
So we are friends right....
And you know I love you.
I want to talk the time out before I leave to go to these events in Hollywood to address a few things.
1. We are all adults. As adults we make choices,
2. And if we are not adults please learn how to be a child before you go and try to grow up too fast. Think before you do. There are consequences for all of your actions no matter how small they are, and the things you choose to do does not only effect you but everyone around you. I would love for children to come and read my page and hear about my trials on earth to encourage them that no matter what you go through and who you are your dreams are still attainable and within your grasp. Just be wise. Make sure it makes sense. Have a plan. And don't let anything or anyone tell you that you can't. If they try to put you down then they don't need to be in your life.
Shit, Josephine Baker became the wealthiest black woman in the world, she performed wearing black face as a child in the minstrel shows, danced naked in Paris, and her own mother didn't believe in her. She flew down and picked her mom up to move her into her Parisan castle, only a few years later. And she used to walk down the street with a Cheetah on a leesh!
3. No, I am not pregnant.
4. I love the attention, I knew I was born to be in film, it has always been my dream.
5. I love all the messages I am getting for you, it makes me smile, it brings me joy. Entertainers are born to entertain so whether you have nice things to say about me or negative things, just the fact that you know who I am, gives me the hope and strength that you will watch me in film.
6. Thank you thank you thank you thank you..
7. I want to know who you are, if I don't respond to your message right away I am sorry, I am still reading all the poems you sent to monicaakadangeress@gmail.com, I want to do something with the ones that move me.
8. I am also inspired to create. I am releasing a short film I wrote a few years ago next week. I am preparing myself for an art exhibition, I will be auctioning off the pieces on my website.
9. I was never a streetwalking prostitute.
10. I am Black and Mexican.
11. I grew up in the bay area.
12. I am off the market, I am not dating so we can talk business, we can talk art, we can talk about the movement, but I am not interested in seeing anyone new.
13. I have always liked women, I keep women as friends now.
14. I am 22 years old.
15. I am going to also have For the Love of Ray J commentary of all the episodes on my other page myspace.com/dangeress
16. If I missed anything feel free to write me and ask. I am an open book!!!
I love you all, you inspire me and give me hope for my life and for the future of existence.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Why we have to Make a Million

Good design and great service knows no boundries and Swiss Air has proved this with their all new First Class seats. They have proven that with a little bit of creative thinking and attention to detail, even an airliner cabin can turn into a quality space of relaxation and comfort. The seat is equiped with a huge 23inch screen to view music programmes, films, TV series and play games. Further more you can also plug in your own devices such as iPods and other storage media via USB connectors. Satelite telephone and laptop mains supply are also featured on each armchair for people on the go.
When it is time to sleep, the armchair stretches out over 2 metres providing ample room for most people. A special headphones are provided to deaden the flying noise of the aircraft. Last but not least is each passenger will recieve their own pyjamas which can be taken with you after the flight.

Recently we posted a story about a 13 year old father. It has come to our attention that this story was fabricated to gain interest and money. Although the mother is 15 the actual father is unknown. A source close to the family has said that different males have been seen coming to the home and that Chantelle's mother has a very "relaxed" attitude about sex and relationships. When the pregnancy was discovered it was decided to name Alfie as the father because of his age. The family figured that they would be able to make some money, which they HOPEFULLY were planning to use for the baby. But since the original story wasn't completely true we'll never know the truth. Alfie could very well be the father, but, so could a number of other guys. Maybe they should go on Maury! I would definitely watch that one.
What would you be willing to say or do for money? How far would you actually take it? If you knew that you had the opportunity to make a million dollars, but, you had to agree to do what ever you were told to do BEFORE you even know what it was, what would you do? If you had to lick a football players hairy armpit after a game for $500,000.00 would you? What if you had to lie about the father or mother of your child? At the end of the day I really think there are something money can't buy.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Drink of the Week: PLATINUM PUSSY

Someone FINALLY put Craig Sager on blast! TBS announcer Craig Sager is known for his bright and outlandish suits; from green and yellow plaid to pink and purple glitter. During All Star weekend Kevin Garnet put it on Sager telling him to burn his clothes! I'm sure everyone has been thinking it but KG actually took it there, and this isn't even the first time. I have a new appreciation for KG... Sager, FOLLOW HIS ADVICE!
Where's What Not to Wear when you really need them?
Martin Goes Back To Africa

Martin Does Back to Africa
Martin Lawrence is making a new movie, it's the opposite of Coming to America, titled Back to Africa.
in it a man from Queens discovers he is African royalty and returns to the country to claim his throne.
There is no word on the release date as of yet, but this should be a good one; Martin is hilarious.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Really Ray J?????????
So apparently Ray J has gotten one of the girls from his VH1 show pregnant! Danger, the one with the tattoo on her face, told The National Enquirer that she is more than three months pregnant with his child.
She is quoted as saying: “I was locked in a mansion with him and 13 girls from October until the end of December. Toward the end of the first week of filming, we made love for the first time - and we slept together every night after that. I didn’t want to fall for Ray J, but he was so charming it became impossible not to. I was in love with him, and as strange as it might sound, I think he loved me.” Why is she on the show if she wasn’t trying to fall for him? Of course VH1 is denying this entire story, but, there have been statements made alleging that the VH1 producers gave her the morning after pill but it didn’t work. No duh it didn’t work! She didn’t take it, what gold digging female would?
But believe it or not, it gets better! She is now supposedly engaged to Nick Canon’s little brother Gabriel. Ray really did a number with this one. If the allegations are true I feel bad for him having to be stuck with her for 18+ years.
If you ask me Danger is just looking to get paid because she also has nude pictures up online, and I’m talking FULL nudity you see it all. If she’s willing to do that then it’s not too far fetched to sleep with Ray J, RAW, when she barely knew him. I guess one of these reality show girls finally got it right. But, somebody should really tell her that her 15 minutes are up!
Barack the Monkey
Stimulus and a Message from President Barack
Today, I signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law.
This is a historic step -- the first of many as we work together to climb out of this crisis -- and I want to thank you for your resolve and your support.
You organized thousands of house meetings. You shared your ideas and personal stories. And you informed your friends and neighbors about the need for immediate action. You continue to be a powerful voice for change throughout the country.
The recovery plan will create or save 3.5 million jobs, provide tax cuts for working and middle-class families, and invest in health care and clean energy.
It's a bold plan to address a huge problem, and it will require my vigilance and yours to make sure it's done right.
I've assigned a team of managers to oversee the implementation of the recovery act. We are committed to making sure no dollar is wasted. But accountability begins with you.
That's why my administration has created Recovery.gov, a new website where citizens can track every dollar spent and every job created. We'll invite you and your neighbors to weigh in with comments and questions.
Our progress will also be measured by the tens of thousands of personal stories submitted by people who are struggling to make ends meet. If you haven't already, you can read stories from families all across the country:
Your stories are the heart of this recovery plan, and that's what I'll focus on every day as President.
With your continued support, we'll emerge a stronger and more prosperous nation.
Thank you,
President Barack Obama
This is a historic step -- the first of many as we work together to climb out of this crisis -- and I want to thank you for your resolve and your support.
You organized thousands of house meetings. You shared your ideas and personal stories. And you informed your friends and neighbors about the need for immediate action. You continue to be a powerful voice for change throughout the country.
The recovery plan will create or save 3.5 million jobs, provide tax cuts for working and middle-class families, and invest in health care and clean energy.
It's a bold plan to address a huge problem, and it will require my vigilance and yours to make sure it's done right.
I've assigned a team of managers to oversee the implementation of the recovery act. We are committed to making sure no dollar is wasted. But accountability begins with you.
That's why my administration has created Recovery.gov, a new website where citizens can track every dollar spent and every job created. We'll invite you and your neighbors to weigh in with comments and questions.
Our progress will also be measured by the tens of thousands of personal stories submitted by people who are struggling to make ends meet. If you haven't already, you can read stories from families all across the country:
Your stories are the heart of this recovery plan, and that's what I'll focus on every day as President.
With your continued support, we'll emerge a stronger and more prosperous nation.
Thank you,
President Barack Obama
New York Kappa Gets Cut By an Off-Campus Thug

Rasheed Abdul-Salaam
Last Thursday, February 12th, 2009, Rasheed Abdul-Salaam, a 22-year-old Senior and member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated was sliced on his left hand by blocking an attempt to cut his face by an off-campus party crasher.
Rory Hicks, also a 22-year-old senior, had a hand in the brawl. According to various sources, a disagreement took place in SUNY Old Westbury's Student Union building with a Briarcliffe College student and he waited patiently until his buddies met him outside of the building to fight with Rasheed and Rory.
"I saw the one guy pull the blade out and aim to cut across my face. I put my left hand up to block it and I decked him with the other," says Abdul-Salaam. "It wasn't a Kappa fight, or a Greek fight. These guys came up here from nowhere and we were forced to handle ourselves."
University Police, whom is everywhere on this campus when students are so-called doing wrong. When students are drinking, UP is there. When students are sitting in the lounge or walking up to the parking lots, UP is there. Guys intrude the campus with weapons and all of a sudden, not one UP officer is to be found?
Since 2004, students have complained about University Police being too strict and brutal on their students. It seems as if they are more concerned with those who have the GPAs to actually attend school than those thugs and gangmembers violating Old Westbury's campus bothering Residents.
As for Rasheed, he lives with six stitches to the hand and six more to the face. Rory has a cast on his right hand with a few fractures. Both heads are up high and wavier than ever!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

serve in
Old-Fashioned Glass
alcohol 11%
Scale ingredients to servings
1/2 oz Malibu® coconut rum
1/2 oz creme de bananes
1/2 oz Midori® melon liqueur
1/2 oz pineapple juice
1 1/2 oz whipped cream
Pour rum, creme de banane, melon liqueur and pineapple juice into a stainless steel shaker over ice. Add whipped cream, and shake; until well mixed and sufficiently chilled. Strain into an old-fashioned glass and shoot.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
'Dre 3000 Couldn't have said it better... HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!

There’s a lot of buzz around the Chris Brown and Rihanna situation, but, now fans and nosey folks can tune in to MTV and get the whole story on Monday February 16th at 6pm.
“Chris Brown & Rihanna: Love in Trouble” will examine the relationship and the controversy that now surrounds them. Hopefully neither of their careers suffer behind this mess.
A Dad At 13?

On February 9th, 2009, 15 year old Chantelle Steadman, of the UK, gave birth to a 7lb 3oz baby girl that she and the father, 13 year old, Alfie Patten named Maisie Roxanne. All I have to say is where were the parents? Supposedly Chantelle’s mother was frequently letting Alfie stay the night over their house. But where was his mother why didn’t she say no my son can’t stay at your house? The “couple” found out about the pregnancy at 12 weeks and decided to not abort the baby; a decision anti-abortion groups are commending.
When Chantelle got pregnant Alfie was only 12 years old. Looking at him you would never guess he was 13, he looks 7 or 8. When asked how they are going to financially support Maisie, Alfie asked what financially means! Hopefully he figures it out soon. Alfie’s dad, Dennis, says it’s time to have the birds and the bees talk with him. It’s a kind of late to be just now talking to him about sex but since it was supposedly Alfie’s first time maybe it can’t hurt. That has to suck though; first time up at bat and now you have a kid.
On the other hand, I give this little dude a lot of credit, he was there for the birth and really wants to step up and be a dad. I just hope they make it through this and that all of the responsibility doesn’t fall on their parents.
Moral of the story… WRAP IT UP!
Friday, February 13, 2009

So apparently Peta, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, has gone even further off the deep end! They have now dressed up like the KKK in protest of the Westminster Dog show.
They have been quoted as saying: “Like the Klan, dog breeders who subscribe to the AKC standards are all about the sanctity of ‘pure bloodlines.’ So what if beagles have epileptic seizures, Dalmatians are deaf, and pugs can barely breathe because of how they are purposely bred to look a certain way? Looks are everything!”
I guess throwing flour on people wasn’t enough. They’re lucky no one tried to get at them. The Klan is not safe walking through the city! This took more balls than anything else they’ve done. But, they still gets no love because they DRESSED UP LIKE THE KLAN!!!!
14 KIDS???

If you haven’t heard by now, you must live under a rock. Nadya Suleman, 33, from California is the unwed mother of 14 kids. Eight of which were born on January 26, 2009. Yes, I said eight. She gave birth to the second set of octuplets in the US. What makes this different from any other mom with a bus full of kids? She is not married and went through in vitro fertilization (IVF). Which is when a woman’s egg is fertilized outside of her body, and then implanted into her uterus. IVF is a VERY expensive procedure yet this woman has no job and lives at home with her momma! They live in a three bedroom house and most rooms have a crib or two, and the new babies haven’t even gotten there.
She has supposedly had a baby every year, except one, all through IVF. Apparently she has used the same doctor every time and now he’s being investigated. She has said that she was an only child and she was lonely, so she wanted to have a large family; she could’ve just got a puppy. I guess a husband or father isn’t needed in a family.
She has no job and plans on using student loans to take care of her kids. I didn’t even know you could do that, my loans barely covered school and books. The rumor was that she was getting government assistance, which of course she denied. But, the truth is OUT! She gets food stamps AND three of her kids are disabled which leads to her getting a check. She calls these resources and not assistance. There’s nothing wrong with getting help when you need it, but, Nadya is taking it too far. She doesn’t even have a man!!! If she had of had babies the natural way then nobody would be in her business. Instead she had to be extra and use a legit sperm donor and not just Leroy down the block who gets everyone pregnant.
On top of all this there is talk of Nadya wanting to be like Angelina Jolie which I think is wasted energy, but, you never know maybe she is trying to be like her. At the end of the day this lady is causing a whole lot of hoopla! But maybe it’s just me. If you care she has a website for people to donate and leave messages. But you’re gonna have to google her because I’m not plugging her on here, sorry Nadya.

In no way, shape or form are we advocating, promoting or encouraging hazing or pledging, blah, blah, blah… let’s be real, we all know it’s illegal but its done anyway. All over the country there are chapter of every organization getting busy. There are also people out there who didn’t make the cut (no pun intended) and they’d like to be there. Well if you so happened to be pledging, we do have a few words for you:
5. If you decide to drop, DON’T SNITCH. There are eternals everywhere; you’re not the only one. The people you left were once your LB’s or LS’s. Stop hating. Be a noble droppee.
4. RESPECT YOUR PROCESS. The people making you were once in your place. They know both sides of the wood. Take care of business and don’t diss your Dean!
3. STOP SKATING. You know you’re not supposed to be eating Mickey D’s outside on your cell phone kickin’ it with your homie rocking Jordans and a fitted with your bookbag leaning off your left shoulder. Cut it out.
2. KNOCKING DAYS OFF. It won’t last forever. Nothing does. Everyone cries for his or her perspective organization at one time or another in their process. Your big brothers and/or sisters have as well so dammit, suck it up! Lace up your boots and get in the cut! Wake up the next day, if you’ve skat- uh, slept, and do it all over again.
1. DON’T DROP! Right now everything is vague. You don’t understand half of what is going on but you will when you are done. There is a reason for everything so just try to remain cool and gut it out. People talk on your campus more than you think. If you drop, you WILL be talked about. You will always be known as that person who couldn’t make it. You will no longer be Stacey; you will become “droppee” Stacey. So just hang in there. It won’t last forever. After all, you are the Master of your fate and the Captain of your soul.

Mike delivers all kinds of 50-point games while Reggie slays the Knicks with buzzer-beating 3-pointers and Kobe gets the chant of MVP at the Garden? Where is New York's pride? Faithful Garden ticket holders root for the opposing team's Superstar: Kobe "Black Mamba" Bryant, also known as Mr MVP. LeBron and his piping hot Cleveland Cavaliers marched into the Knicks stadium with expectations of LeBron to post a record breaking 62 points (Kobe, 61). He only ended up with 52!
From nothing...

My crew and I started our Magazine in 2006 with NOTHING. We raised money to fund a few issues, pay for a website and do some promotional work. Im a HUGE fan of "Run's House" and the whole Simmons dynasty. I'm usually up pretty late at night watching re-runs of Fresh Prince unless Run's House or Rob & Big is on and on this particular night I caught Run's House. Vanessa is into her whole acting career with Guiding Light and Angela wanted something to "call her own," I guess outside of Pastry. She wakes up, calls Daddy and expresses to him she wants to launch a magazine. Daddy BBM's a few of his friends and in two days, Rundown! Magazine is launched. I almost broke the tv by throwing the remote at it. That was my ignorant side.
So I thought about it because it bothered me for months. I came up with one explanation: I'd LOVE to do that for my kids so how DARE I hate Rev for it? God Bless that family...
Russy and Diggy are hilarious though!
A Cure for HIV?

Gene therapy offers hope of cure for HIV.
Via: perezhilton
Source: independent.co.uk
Click HERE for more info...
Doctors have succeeded in ridding a man of the HIV virus by giving him a bone marrow transplant in what they claim is the closest treatment yet to a cure for the disease.
The remarkable case gives new impetus to the development of gene therapy for HIV which could ultimately replace the need for expensive and toxic antiretroviral drugs. Instead of taking drugs for life, HIV sufferers might instead have a one-off treatment that would leave them virus-free.
The 42-year-old American had been infected with HIV for a decade. He was treated with antiretroviral drugs in Berlin, where he lives, for four years to hold the disease in check, but then developed leukaemia. Since being given a bone marrow transplant two years ago, he has not taken antiretroviral drugs to control HIV and has had no resurgence of either disease. He is believed to be the longest HIV-free survivor who was previously treated with antiretroviral drugs. Full details of the case are published for the first time today in The New England Journal of Medicine. An editorial in the journal says it "places further emphasis on gene therapies" for HIV, adding: "The case paves the way for innovative approaches that provide long-lasting viral control with limited toxicities for persons with HIV infection."
The man's treatment began with a search by doctors at Berlin's Charité Hospital for a bone marrow donor with a genetic resistance to HIV. One of the strangest features of the disease is the way some people who have been exposed to the virus on many occasions remain uninfected. Twenty years ago, it was noticed that certain prostitutes in Nairobi remained uninfected despite exposure to the virus through thousands of sexual contacts.
It has since emerged that some people carry a mutation of a gene (CCR5) that confers protection against HIV. In Western populations an estimated one to three per cent have the mutation.
Dr Gero Hutter, a haematologist at the Berlin Charité Hospital, and colleagues tested 61 potential donors before they found one with the CCR5 genetic mutation, who agreed to the operation.
The American recipient of the transplant, who runs a holiday rentals business in the German capital, has undergone regular checks in the two years since the treatment. The doctors have tested his bone marrow, blood and tissues and found no sign of HIV. "For as long as the viral load remains undetectable, this patient will not require antiretroviral therapy," they say in the journal.
Speaking to The Independent yesterday, Dr Hutter said there had been several previous reports of patients being virus-free following treatment but none to compare with the latest case. "The difference is that in our patient we had a plan. It was not an accident," he added. "It is the longest time someone who has had antiretroviral therapy and stopped has lasted without the virus rebounding. Normally it rebounds within weeks. It is the closest we have come to a cure."
Dr Hutter said a bone marrow transplant would be too risky as a routine treatment for HIV and too difficult to find donors with the right genetic make-up. But a modification of the approach using gene therapy to render a patient HIV-resistant could work, he said.
Even a costly treatment could be worthwhile. The price of treatment with antiretrovirals in Europe is €70,000 to €80,000 (£63,000 to £72,000) a year compared with a one-off cost of €20,000 to €30,000 for a bone marrow transplant.
Dr Hutter said: "When I started in medicine, HIV was completely untreatable. Now the situation has changed completely. Perhaps our case is a glimpse of hope for the future."
Professor Jay Levy, an Aids specialist at the University of California, and author of the US journal's editorial, said claims that the patient had been cured of HIV would be premature because of the virus's capacity to hide in other parts of the body including the brain, gut, liver and lymphatic system, from which it could always re-emerge.
"Nevertheless, the results... provide further encouragement for those examining approaches to treatment that reduce CCR5 expression in persons with HIV infection," he writes.In 2007, an estimated two million people died from Aids and 2.7 million were newly infected with HIV.
25 years of research: The HIV virus
When the discovery of HIV was announced in 1984, US politicians predicted that a cure for Aids would be found within five years, but it is still a distant prospect.
Over the past 10 years, a cocktail of aggressive antiretroviral drugs has been developed to help keep the effects of the disease at bay. Eliminating it has proved far more difficult because of the virus's unique nature.
HIV integrates itself into an infected person's DNA and attacks the cells the immune system sends to attack it. Once infected, these T-cells take the virus deeper into the body. Gene therapy is a new approach that harnesses the natural resistance to HIV shared by 3 per cent of people.
Experts hope that by tweaking a sufferer's DNA, they can achieve "long-lasting viral control".
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