In no way, shape or form are we advocating, promoting or encouraging hazing or pledging, blah, blah, blah… let’s be real, we all know it’s illegal but its done anyway. All over the country there are chapter of every organization getting busy. There are also people out there who didn’t make the cut (no pun intended) and they’d like to be there. Well if you so happened to be pledging, we do have a few words for you:
5. If you decide to drop, DON’T SNITCH. There are eternals everywhere; you’re not the only one. The people you left were once your LB’s or LS’s. Stop hating. Be a noble droppee.
4. RESPECT YOUR PROCESS. The people making you were once in your place. They know both sides of the wood. Take care of business and don’t diss your Dean!
3. STOP SKATING. You know you’re not supposed to be eating Mickey D’s outside on your cell phone kickin’ it with your homie rocking Jordans and a fitted with your bookbag leaning off your left shoulder. Cut it out.
2. KNOCKING DAYS OFF. It won’t last forever. Nothing does. Everyone cries for his or her perspective organization at one time or another in their process. Your big brothers and/or sisters have as well so dammit, suck it up! Lace up your boots and get in the cut! Wake up the next day, if you’ve skat- uh, slept, and do it all over again.
1. DON’T DROP! Right now everything is vague. You don’t understand half of what is going on but you will when you are done. There is a reason for everything so just try to remain cool and gut it out. People talk on your campus more than you think. If you drop, you WILL be talked about. You will always be known as that person who couldn’t make it. You will no longer be Stacey; you will become “droppee” Stacey. So just hang in there. It won’t last forever. After all, you are the Master of your fate and the Captain of your soul.
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