As Fall turns to Spring, college students are starting the hunt for summer jobs. While many kids still work locally in their home towns, whether it be at a day camp or an office, it is important to start thinking about our futures. During college, a summer internship can really be helpful as a hands on learning experience that exposes you to the real world.
However, especially in this economic crisis, it may be very hard to find a summer internship. It is key to try and ask your parents, family, and friends if they have any ideas that you could pursue or if they could help you in anyway possible. Otherwise, you can take it slow and search different databases for possible internships in your area and send out as many resumes as possible. Get your name out there, it can never hurt to make contacts!
While we would all love to get the internship in the field we hope to pursue one day, we are still young students and should take any job we can get (especially one that will look good on your resume!). Internships can either be paid, unpaid, or be for college credit; regardless of what the compensation is, be happy you were able to secure a job and take it!
If you need help finding an internship, these databases can give you some great leads:
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